Thursday, March 8, 2012

English 9

Friday, March 7: Good copy and edited draft of your "Penny in the Dust" paragraph. Please also staple your Paragraph Response Correction Sheet (based on your "The Father" paragraph) to the package. If you have not completed one, copy and paste the one below into a word document and print it out.

I'm looking forward to reading your new paragraphs! Please do not arrive to class without your work. If you need an extension (based on real circumstances) I will consider your request.

Friday: We'll finish reading the story, "The Veldt".

Paragraph Correction Response Sheet

Title of Assignment: ___________________________  Date: ________________________________

Mark I was expecting:   __________________________

Mark I received:             __________________________

The definition of insanity is expecting change to result from making the same mistakes.


In order to improve for next time, I want to learn how to:

1.       ______________________________________________________________________________  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.       ______________________________________________________________________________  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3.       ______________________________________________________________________________  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The literary must-haves that I forgot to include were

1.       _____ verb tense, no contractions,

2.      _____ sentence variety (using short/long/medium sentences, varying the type and varying                                                    how  the sentence begins)

3.       _____ using synonyms for words that repeat a lot in the paragraph

4.       _____ using pronouns such as this is or this means or it shows etc.

5.       _____ forgetting the page number or not citing correctly

6.       _____ forgetting that quotes can’t float so needing to integrate quotations

7.       _____ forgetting to check for wordiness or slang

8.       _____ forgetting the 13 steps (especially elaboration and transitions) 

9.       _____ sufficient evidence to prove my thesis

10.   _____ insightful responses to the evidence I had gathered (or too-obvious observations)