Thursday, May 22, 2014

AP Lit: The play is the thing where in we catch the conscience of . . .

the grad class.

Title for our play is Graduation

We have a few characters assigne so far based on today's brainstorming session which was GREAT by the way. Loving the excitement for this project.

Graeme, Prasant and Isaias please contact a few people from the class to find out what we are doing and to catch up.

Due Monday: A monologue or soliloquy (length will vary) from a character's point of view. A character that you think should be in the play.

Include director's notes:

Does this piece come at the beginning, middle or end of the play?
Who or what else is on stage? What music, lighting, props and costumes are required? What blocking? What technological needs does the scene have?
If you envision it, you will be responsible for creating it so use your drama friends, your relationships with Mr. Plant and Ms. English and Ms. Giordano to help.
Visit second hand stores this weekend to start creating your costume. We do have a tickle trunk in the Eng. prep room.

You will have Monday's class to revise this draft, to revise your scene, etc.

Tues there is no class.

Wed. Mitch Cram is coming to talk to us about his experiences at U of Toronto and it has been rumoured that we need him in our play. We'll see.

Characters so far:

Volta Man: Steven in a jester's outfit, playing his violin at turning points in the play
Understatement: Might be Kayla if she agrees
Lamp as Communist Politician: Quinton
The Unknown played by Bryn and Stephanie since they are small enough for us to through them into the unknown which will be the orchestra pit (with a lot of padding)
Real Estate Agent: Alex
The Known: Prasant babbling certainties (formulas from math and physics etc) and then laughing!!

Some of today's great lines and themes:

Whatever people do in the summer.
When will we settle down?
What we will endure.
Experiencing inexperience
Seeking change
Life is a journey
School is not a destination
The best adjective I can come up with is nice.
What is the role of art, mystery, and beauty in our lives.
Who owns knowledge?
Why do we always have to be on the road to somewhere? Why can't we just be here?
What do I need?
Can't enjoy our lives due to the economic climate.
We are the grad class called FEAR.
We are afraid to graduate.
We refuse to particpate in our own graduation ceremony.
The play can have two acts.
We'll start with Act 2.
We can have a couch that we surf on.
We are a series of lists and prcedures.
We need Prasant's laugh.
We need Isaias to do push ups while we talk.
We need to involve the audience.
We have Emma to play piano.