Thursday, May 15, 2014

AP Lit: Writing a Scene Inspiring Links . . .

Collaboration Play

Here is the link to the play therapy excerpts we watched today:

Drama Therapy

Write your scene:

Think in multi-dimensions

You have the stage, the audience, technology, acting, props, symbols, projections,

Think symbolically

As soon as you place an object on a stage, it speaks, i.e. the audience begins to imagine.

You put a door on the stage. Is it open? Closed? Wood or glass? Dingy or splendid?

The way your characters walk, talk, dress and speak all contribute to the overall experience.

Use all five senses as you write.

Put yourself in the audience's head and into the characters' heads and into the figurative heads of the objects so you get a feel for all of it.

Are your characters on skateboards? Are they on a monkey bar and they can never touch the ground? Do you have a pool of water on stage and the characters go in and out of it?

In terms of theme:

  • Say something that is not being said about you (life, family, school, future, environment, gender, expectations, literature)
  • What have you experienced from such an intense study of literature? 
  • Are you Jane? Hamlet? A handmaid? An insect? Biff? Iago? Teddy? A tree?
  • Why did you choose to take Lit and Writing and AP Lit? 
  • What have you already written that might be a great addition to this play? 
Let your writing be spontaneous, honest, far-reaching.

If you are surprised and delighted by what you write, chances are so will we be. 

Type up a draft and we'll share them, put them in some kind of order and I'll photocopy them into booklets once we have a clearer idea. Next week will be writing, and re-writing and if we need to do any filming, we'll set that up as well.

Fun. Fun. Fun. Fun. Fun.

Shane Koyczan: What it feels like in high school

Slam poetry finals 2012

How to build creative confidence

The History of Our World in 18 minutes

Stereotypes: Funny Because They Are True

Using Humour To Communicate

Watch THIS one . . .