Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Eng 9 bl. 4 - Test Tomorrow! (lit. par. questions here)

Today we provided peer feedback for our mystery short stories.  The good copies are due Friday.  With them you must submit:
  • Your good copy
  • your rough copy
  • your peer feedback
  • your story writing package
Tomorrow, we are doing plot test #3 up to the end of the novel and in class literary paragraphs.  You may use your novel and come with as many quotes prepared as you wish.  Your paragraph will need a minimum of 3 quotes.
Here are the questions that we will be writing about (choose 1).

1. Does Curious... show us that life is controlled or chaotic? Develop an argument and support your answer with examples from the novel.

2. Does Curious... show us that  truth is complicated or that there is a clear line between truth and lie? Develop an argument and support your answer with examples from the novel.

3. Does our society accept differences? Develop an argument and support your answer with examples from the novel.