Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Writing 12: Good Luck with those gorgeous manuscripts!

Your babies are not ugly anymore. They were never ugly, just coddled and over-valued. he he he

What makes a great poem? See the criteria.

What makes a great manuscript? Follow the criteria.

Email your "publication-ready" manuscript to
Put your name in the subject line and poetry manuscript

You have worked hard all term. Do not lose any marks for feeble proofreading. I know you get tired but you have to know the grammatical rules if you are going to be a writer who breaks them, right?

If you cannot be in class tomorrow, I need the manuscript by the end of block 4 (the old block 3). Drop it off to the classroom and not the office, please.

Don't forget your city in your address.

Find a good photo of yourself (sharp resolution but small size) to send off for publication next Wednesday.

Tomorrow: Collection of manuscripts. Allie and Kaiti present! Yay. We will be signing out short story books tomorrow as you will have some homework over the weekend. If you are going to be absent due to the ceremony, see me at lunch.