Today, we added words 61 to 64 and we read for 15 minutes. January USSR forms are due on Friday.
Everyone worked extremely earnestly to complete all ten paragraphs.
Tonight: Complete the paragraphs and colour-code the quotation log.
Arrive tomorrow with a sentence that represents each colour.
For example:
Red: Love cannot flourish in a society which values hatred; Romeo and Juliet's demise symbolizes that where hatred dominates, love is smothered.
Blue: Hatred is not questioned and therefore those who love hatred disrespect society's rules resulting in a city based on bloodshed.
Yellow: Hatred and love spring from irrational and uncontrollable passion; both passions must be controlled or chaos results.
Tuesday: We will type the entire essay in class as an in-class essay. You will have 80 minutes to complete it. Study your Mockingbird essay and handouts so you feel prepared.
Thursday: You will edit the essay in the computer lab and submit it for marks.