Friday, January 18, 2013

English 11E: poetry manuscripts due Monday

If you were absent today, be sure to follow our criteria sheet when editing your poems. Hand in your four best poems. You do not have to have a pantoum and a glosa but read the criteria, I am looking for attempts at form. Submit the good copies and the edited drafts and the check-list I handed out today. Your cover page needs a title, i.e. what would you want your book of poetry to be called?

Also due Monday: Contest entries.

Bring 2 poems for the BCTELA contest. Print them out. Do not put your name on the poems.

Bring 1 to 3 poems for The Claremont Review contest and a cheque, made out to The Claremont Review for $25.00. DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME ON THE POEMS. You have a chance to win $2000.00 in prizes, plus you get a one year subscription to the magazine so your entry supports and values student writing. If you cannot bring the money, Monday, still bring the poems. YOU MAY ALSO ATTACH YOUR SHORT STORY FOR THE SAME COST.

Bring 1 poem to be submitted electronically to Polyphony HS Magazine or to Aerie International. This poem cannot be the same ones you send to The Claremont Review.

You will complete your contest entry forms in class on Monday and attach your poems.

Next week, we will be studying poems and writing a compare/contrast composition. We will also have a poetry test and I'll be handing out the Literature 12 texts and we'll be picking seminar topics.