Tonight: Check that each word in your Vocabulary notebook has a definition, several synonyms, and a sentence (in formal English) which demonstrates the word's meaning.
Wrong: He acted malevolently at the party.
Correct: He acted malevolently at the party; he threw the cake into the trash.
Marks awarded for effort, creativity, proper English and proofreading. Check my quizlet page if you have been absent.
January USSR: I can't wait to see all the books you have read this month. I hope you beat your score.
Romeo and Juliet essays and the quotation logs were collected today. If you were absent, submit them tomorrow or email me for an extension.
I will be in my room on Monday. If you have questions regarding the exam, please bring them in.
Tomorrow: Vocab. test and exam review. Bring the two mock exams you have so and all five of your section C compositions so that we can review how to prepare for that creative writing section.