Friday, January 18, 2013

Writing 12: Post card stories

If you were absent today, ask me to loan you the package I read to the class. We had a riot. Picasso had his blue period. Grade 12s have their BELLIGERENT period and we are entering that stage now. Please, please practice your belligerent walk before Monday as you may be judged.

Computer Lab Monday.

This weekend, re-read short story one which you submitted in December before the break. Now is your chance to revise and conquer, okay, just revise....

Bring an electronic copy to class so that you can work on it Monday.

Tuesday, we'll write post card stories.

Wed. and Thurs. it's time to put the final touches on the manuscript.

Friday, the manuscript is due and we say adieu!!

I'm doing a reading with John Barton at Serious Coffee in Fairfield. Monday, Jan 21, at 7 p.m. I'd love you to read at the open mic. Please come if you can.
You can read a lovely, timely belligerent poem, yes? We'll be pleased.

What does Curious George have to be curious about?

If you were away today, this image will not make sense which is why I never miss class!