Friday, January 18, 2013

English 10: Quotations for quote log due Monday

If you were absent today, be sure to read all of Act 5 and when you return on Monday, borrow the notes from a friend and make a copy of them. Your understanding of Act 5 is crucial for understanding the play.

Next week, we will be writing the Romeo and Juliet essay, finishing up our vocabulary and preparing you for the vocabulary test, Jan. 25th and I'll answer any questions you may have about the provincial exam. Remember, there are a lot of provincial exams on-line so feel free to practice.

Homework: Bring an electronic copy of your best 10 quotations (cited correctly) that you think will work well for your essay. We'll write our quote logs during class on Monday.

Topics: Choose one.

1. How love is viewed in the play.
2. How hate is viewed in the play.
3. How love and hate are juxtaposed in the play.