Monday, January 21, 2013

Writing 12: Check the deadlines . . . breathe!

Wed: Third fiction report is due.
Friday: Last day for second literary event response. I'm reading with poet, John Barton, editor of The Malahat Review, at Serious Coffee (near Beacon Hill Park) 230 Cook St. tonight. Come down to listen. Read at the open mic. $3.00 cover.

Fiction manuscript is due Friday. (Submit your two stories and as many post card stories as you complete this week. Post card stories are optional but helpful for contests and magazine submissions).

Contest entries and magazine submissions for fiction:

The Claremont Review Contest: Choose a story, take your name off of it. Make sure there are no typos or awkward sentences. Attach it to a contest entry form.

BCTELA: Print out a copy of the same story as above (if it is 1500 words or less) attach it to a contest entry form.

Magazine Submissions: If you have three more stories, you may submit to all three below. If you have only one story left, choose which magazine you would like to submit to.

Claremont Review spring issue: Paper clip a different story than the one submitted to the C.R. contest (put your name on it) to a cover letter and a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Aerie International: (They seem to like shorter pieces) Follow the guidelines on their website. Since you have already sent them a photo, there is probably no need to send another.

Polyphony H.S. (Be prepared for a lot of feedback. Remember, it's feedback. They are not criticizing. It could be useful in the long run.

Tues and Wed. this week, we will be writing post card stories and playing with our imaginations and our attitudes and maybe a dead crow or seagull or two.
(oops, sorry, just looked out the window and got distracted)

Thurs. and Friday, I have booked the centre lab so you can edit and print your stories for the manuscript and for the contest.


Tomorrow: We'll be reading a variety of postcard students from Naming the Baby, a collection from the first 30 Claremont Review magazines.

Dizzy 109
Mill Bay Ferry 22
Suzuki in the Sky 23
Decomposition 4
God and Me 219
June 208
Tallroom Pantsing 190
Mainstream and Upstream 136
Weak Sundays 84
Let's Just Spin 83
Symptoms 70
These United Nations 64
Strawberry Jam 49