You were able to get a good start on your stories today. Some of you chose to re-read our samples for ideas, while others have completed your first two pages.
Well done.
Homework: Due to the large number of students who did not do the homework last night, I have cancelled our computer lab time. We will continue with our novel study on Tuesday. You may read ahead if you have extra time this weekend.
Note change of due date:
Bring a double spaced draft copy of your story, typed to class Friday, Oct. 18th. You must have it printed out before 9 a.m. If you can't print at home, arrive early or print it out the day before. Make sure you are following the criteria you wrote down in your notebooks.
The people who read their sample paragraphs aloud today clearly demonstrated how strong writing can be when 99% of adjectives and adverbs are eliminated. Show don't tell is your motto. Actions speak louder than words.
Bring any questions you have to class on Tuesday. I am also willing to discuss your progress before or after school next week.
Pace yourself. Create something you are proud to have written.