Wednesday, October 23, 2013

English 12: USSR, Practice Writes, Words 29, 30, Act 3

If you were away today, you need to make up the 65 minutes you missed, plus the 30 minutes for homework. Need a quiet place to work? Come in to my room during lunch hour.

Read at least 15 pages of your USSR book.
Write for 10 minutes on the following topic chosen by Hannah:
Write about a time you used "mitigated speech", words which sugarcoat what you actually have to say. This one was fun!

Last night you read Claudius' soliloquy and Hamlet's solioquy # 6.

Why does Hamlet not kill Claudius?


We have expert exam prepper: Ms. Hilary Moyes to teach the class. Ms. Moyes will be visiting our class Thursdays and Fridays to work on the various sections of the exam. She and I will be team teaching the course so Ms. Moyes will be marking the assignments she asks you to do. She is great. You will LOVE her stories. 

This exam is worth 40% of the mark so these lessons are worth attending to. Good luck.

Tuesday, Oct. 29: Another special event!!

We have memoir specialist and Camosun college instructor, Yvonne Blomer visiting the class. She will be giving us a writing workshop on the elements of this genre--the memoir. Your memoir will be due the following Tuesday, Nov. 5.

My marks are due Nov. 7 so I cannot allow any late extensions for this project.
Be sure to get the memoir completed.

Today: We made notes on Claudius' confession and on Hamelt's sixth soliloquy.

This weekend: Read all the side notes to Act 4. Make notes of the key events in your notebook. We start Act 5 on Monday.