Thursday, October 31, 2013

Writing 12: Check: If you name is here, you have overdue work

Last day for overdue work is Monday as I submit term 1 marks Wednesday.

Brittany: Redo of poem 5, Oct. 3
Luke: Redo of Patrick Lane response
Connor: replacement response for Carla Funk and two redo poems 7 and 8 Oct 14
Motria Red of poem 12
Redo of poems 3, 4,5, 11, 12, Responses to Belfry and Jay
Lauren Carla Funk response or replacement for it
Ashley See notes on the poem I returned today.
Holly See notes on the poem  returned today.
Mika Belfry and Jay responses
Braeden poem 10
Cayden See notes on the poem I returned today.
Graeme Redo of poems 5 and 8

You have worked steadily for two months and now you MUST pass the test.
Are you ready to enter the writers' domain?

And, yes.

But, you must follow the guidelines and carefully edit--See yesterday's blog for suggestions. Ms. Moyes will reiterate these suggestions tomorrow before you focus on editing.
Monday, we will also edit. Use the time well. No distractions such as ipods, internet, etc.
At this point, you know what to do. So, do it.

I'll be at the AP Conference in Van. tomorrow and return Sunday. I'll check email Sunday night.

la la la