If you were absent today:
Return your poetry books and Claremont Reviews to the library and sign out new ones.
Hand in your Carla Funk response. (If you were absent for Carla, you must go to an extra literary event outside of class).
Read a poem from the new book. Write down three interesting things the author does. Explain them.
Write a poem using these techniques.
Base the poem on something you remember from childhood that you can't forget. Let the poem be a reflection on who you would have become without that event or why you haven't forgotten that event or on memory, in general, i.e. why do we remember what we do? What have we forgotten?
A fun exercise is to try this:
Start with I remember and write a few lines. And then write what you don't remember from that time.
I remember getting locked in the outhouse at Little Lake. I was five. Mr. Skibiniski couldn't speak English and my bathing suit was stuck to my legs and ...
I don't remember calling out. I remember . ..
I don't remember what I thought. I was five . . .
Tomorrow, Luke and Connor present the poet, Patricia Young.