We finished Act 2 and watched Act 3, scenes 1 and 2. See if you can find it on youtube. Be sure to read Act 3, Scene 1 to read his third soliloquy "To be or not to be" and to see how he responds to Ophelia.
Make notes on Ophelia's soliloquy: page 50 line 153.
Remember that the final test is open notebook (notes you write only)
so create good notes. Write down quotations and cite properly.
We also watched Hamlet's fifth soliloquy which is very short. Make notes on it as well. Notice the tone. Page 58.
Tonight: Read Act 3 Scene 3. Be prepared to discuss Why Hamlet does not kill Claudius? I'm looking for answers which are not in the book. Make connections to the play in its entirety. Ask Cayden as he has a theory.
Focus tonight on Claudius' soliloquy on page 59 and Hamlet's soliloquy 6.
This is Hamlet's penultimate soliloquy as there are only 7 in the play.
The next seen is referred to as The Closet or Bedroom Scene. It's brilliant and sad and horrifying and murderous and so wonderful.
See you tomorrow.