We did a lot of analysis today but didn't have time to write.
Consequently, tonight, you need to dedicate one half an hour to writing a poem on a topic of your choice which uses the poems we read today as models.
Today's poems chose political events to comment on. Once an artist makes a comment, it becomes political as your work of art effects change in opinion. Change equals politics.
You chose 1 technique to focus on tonight.
Arrive tomorrow with an account of your process. Could you do it? What did you learn? What do you need to know?
To prepare for tomorrow's presentation, google the works and life of poet and singer, Leonard Cohen. Stephanie and Holly present. Yay.
Your manuscripts are due Tuesday, Nov. 5.
I cannot accept late work as I must mark them and complete report cards by Nov. 7.
I will give you a criteria list for the setup of the manuscript and you must also send me an electronic copy. You will need to submit your BEST 12 poems. You are welcome to submit more though because there are a lot of contests and magazines that publish teen work and you'll want to have something to send to them.
Each night for the next two weeks, write and write and write.
By doing so, you will be in great shape to edit your poems because you will have conquered writer's block which is fear in the shape of self loathing.
Doubt is horrible and all artists have to find a way to deal with it. A healthy dose of doubt wards off arrogance and complacency. Seek balance.
Here is an idea:
You could put a label on your water bottle that says COURAGE so that every time you drink from it, you are swallowing the courage needed to fight the nemesis called W.B. (writer's block)
Courage is from the French world: le coeur (the heart) so by following your heart, you find courage. How lovely is that? _
Nighty night.