Thursday, October 17, 2013

English 12: I collected the soliloquy 1 paragraph

If you were absent today, you must bring a note if you want me to accept the paragraph that was due today.


Assignments are due on the due date.

If you cannot meet the deadline, you must ask for an extension. You will then receive a new due date, which you must meet. Work not submitted on due dates receives a 0.

If you are absent from class, you must check the blog. I expect the work to be done. If the work is not completed, you must bring a note or email me to ask for an extension.

Any time you are absent, check the blog.

It is a good idea to check it daily as a form of review and connection to the learning that you did and to tune in to what is for homework.


We read 15 pages of our USSR books and we added the word qualm and grippe to our vocabulary list.

Next, I read a scene from a memoir by Trevor Blake, which described Trevor as a young boy growing up in Wales. His father smoked 40 cigarettes a day and their home was tiny so the air was unbreathable. No use complaining, he realized, so he'd spend hours outside. He learned to connect to the animals out there. He'd be out rain or shine. After several months outdoors, his marks improved and his athletic abilities. Soon he realized that he was developing ESP or extra-sensory perception. He could feel a storm coming even if the sky was coudless. He could predict what you were thinking.

I handed out new 1/2 Hilroy exercise books today for journal writing. We will write for ten mintues per class. You are welcome to write in it at home as well. These notes will be private so they are a great opportunity to explore what you think as you respond to memories or to current events in your life or in the world.

Today's assignment: Describe something you didn't like. (The smoke in the house in the example above). Describe what you did instead to change the situation. (Went outdoors). Describe what you discovered. (ESP)

Some topics will not appeal to your life so in that case, write fiction.

Other topics will be made just for you.

Starting Monday, each member of the class will read a good scene from the book they are reading and then present a topic for writing in our journals that day.

Next week:
Monday: Kyle
Tuesday: Alex
Wed: Hanna
Thurs: Sydney

Snacks tomorrow:
Yushi, Kyleigh, Quinn and Ben


We watched Act 1 scene five up to Hamlet's second soliloquy (lines 92 to 11). Read lines 1 to 92 so that you understand the ghost's message. 

Read soliloquy 2: Create a thesis statement to answer the question below: 

How does Hamlet react to the ghost? 
Look for imagery, literary devices, allusions, cut-off thoughts, punctuation to help you interpret this passage.