Thursday, October 17, 2013

Writing 12: Plan a literary event to go to this week!! Two poems due tomorrow.

I'm going to Planet Earth Poetry Friday night.

Bryn has signed up for two writing workshops at the Victoria Writers Festival.
You could go to the free teen workshop (You must pre-register), remember?
You could go to one of the readings, panels or parties at the festival. It's at Camosun. Have fun!

Or you could go to this talk next Wednesday night:

   Please come as my guest and bring your students, if this is of interest:

The Great Connect: PWAC Vic* and Friends Big Fall Event
   (*Professional Writers Association of Canada, Victoria Chapter)
   Are you in touch these days or alone at your keyboard?   Introducing the Big Fall Event, for PWACers and friends, writer, students and future writers.    On Wednesday, Oct. 23, we'll discuss how we network and share information with other writers, online or off. What are the best websites, discussion groups, email lists for writers? How do you reach editors, publishers, readers, clients and contacts through social media like Facebook and Twitter? And how do you do all this efficiently, because most of us don't have an extra few hours to spend.   This will be the focus of our discussions at the Great Connect, featuring Ruth Linka, publisher of Victoria publishers Touchwood Editions, and including two writer-to-writer sessions before and after her talk.    Ruth, you'll recall, gave an excellent overview of the state of the publishing industry at our meeting last February. She's been coaching writers about their networking strategy--with very good results--since the era when social media was tea with the neighbor listening to Peter Gzowski.     This time, Ruth will be the main event again, but we writers--PWACers, and we expect, an equal number of guests--will share information about these issues, for the half hour before Ruth speaks and the hour or so after at the Ross Bay Pub, a short stumble from the Garry Oak.    Ruth's talk will apply mostly to book authors, but will also provide solid information for writers of all the other forms of work our members are involved in.    We really hope to see you--and your writing friends and guests--on October 23. Invite one, two or ten if you like--experienced writers, students,
newbies, even poets, or aligned folks like photographers, designers and editors. If you teach a class, invite all your students. We're trying in particular to attract younger people. Just forward this notice and invite them. The Garry Oak Room holds 80 people--let's fill it.
     Your loyal executive thought it was time to share our chapter's experience and one of our best programs of the year with the larger writing world in Victoria.      Among other things, we're hoping to attract some new members (we have two who just signed up, hopefully you'll meet them on the 23rd.)       Please let us know if you're coming, how many guests you'll bring, so we know if we need a hire a doorman.
So here’s the basic info:
WHAT: The Great Connect: PWAC Vic and Friends Big Fall Event
WHERE: Garry Oak Room of the Fairfield Gonzales Community Association, 1335 Thurlow (at the back of Sir James Douglas School, a half block from Bill and Penny's)
WHEN: Wed., Oct. 23
7-7:30 pm: writers meet and greet. Ask a writer you don't know--how do you connect with clients and other writers?
7:30-9 pm: Ruth Linka's inspiring, fact, filled talk: the writer online
Sid Tafler
Author of Us and Them

You must attend two literary events outside of class.
All writers attend events. You are writers. You attend events.
You know you want to.

These events are suitable for parents so invite Mom or Dad along or poor Uncle Harry who never gets invited to anything and have fun.
You'll probably have an inspiring experience AND you get marks, too.
What do you know, eh?
