Tuesday, December 3, 2013

English 10: Act 5 Presentation Notes

Tonight: Choose an essay topic. How does one choose? How did you choose a topic for the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird? You thought about three of your favourite scenes. You thought about the themes presented in those themes. You re-read those passages carefully, created a quote log, summarized the log into three sentences and created a thesis statement, which you then used formal language to prove!!

Choose a topic. (See last night's blog for ideas, too).
Find 9 to 15 passages or quotations that inform your topic.
 Post-it note them. Number the post-its (in any order).
Bring them to class tomorrow. We will start our quotation logs. If you have a computer, bring it to class.

 We will complete the presentations tomorrow. Copy and paste these notes into your books.

Lines 1-11 Romeo has a dream about love but he is questioning his dream as if Queen Mab has him and he's believing Mercutio's version because his love is far away and like a dream.

He dreams that Juliet found him dead--foreshadows his death. Dramatic irony as the audience knows she is dead.

Also, it is like he HAS died since she is so far away.

Tone: bittersweet, happy and sad, happy to love her but he may not see her again
Imagery: He wants to become Emporer because love lifts him above the ground. He is above society, above the grave,
Connections: in the same state as he was with Rosaline, so he could act rashly
How sweet is love possessed
He lives on the love of Juliet.

Tone: determined, not indecisive, wants to be with Juliet dead or alive
he is a man of his word
He thinks he knows what love is but he won't listen to anyone else. He can't LIVE on his own.
Balthasar doesn't understand Romeo's perspective of love so he can't talk him out of buying poison.
Same as when he was pining over Rosaline

Lines 34-52
Romeo's anger

He wants to kill himself.
Tone is dark. He wants to LIE with her tonight. He can't live without her.
The connection to earlier in the story--love is poison--the Friar's potion and the apothecary's poison
Imagery: stuffed skins, bladders, musty seeds, alligator, decrepit images,
Fate: Romeo will lie with her forecver

Lines 60-85

Tone: persuasive,
Apothecary is poor and hungry
Imagery: Famine in thy cheeks, starveth in thy eyes, full of wretchedness,
ironic that the apothecary is sick,
Romeo calls the poison a cordial (a refreshing drink) to convince himself that he must drink it and he has no choice.
Love takes away choice.
I pay thy poverty and not thy will.
Coonection; when he went to the ball he had a prophecy that something bad was going to happen and here he has

Scene 2:

Tone: panic, Friar Laurence realizes Romeo didn't receive the letter. It could have been prevented by one letter. The theme that sometimes we try to help others but we are not helping at all. Fate intervened to show that there were too many complications in their relationship anyway. Hate gets in the way of love. Juliet was right to say that she thought their love was a spark that would burn out to quickly.
Unhappy fortune. Unhappy fate says Friar Laurence and he realizes there is danger now.

Scene 3:

Lines 1-20 Paris at the tomb
Tone: sad, his bride to be has just died, First time we really get to see his despair, he orders around his servant to try to make himself feel better, He is doing what Romeo did to Rosaline. He loved Juliet even though he didn't know her. LOve is just physical. People think that they are in love until they really find love and then LOVE EQUALS UNION. LOVE IS A COMPROMISE.

Lines 22-39

Romeo opening the tomb
Tone: Serious and determined

Do not interrupt me. He tells Balthasar not to disturb him.
Imagery: More fears ... far from empty tigers or the roaring sea--he'll fight the world to attend to Juliet. Frightens Balthasar.
He puts fate into his own hands.
He drinks the poison after seeing her face one last time very similar to the hasty marriage.

Lines 58-71 Romeo fights Paris
Tone: Hatred, misunderstanding
Ideas about love and hate: Romeo kills Paris and Paris wants to be right beside Juliet and Tybalt. More dramatic irony. Death unites rather than love.
It's important that Romeo kills Paris since Romeo's love is the more authentic and authorized by God. Paris must die.
Connection to earlier parts: The fight Roemo had with Tybalt. Romeo didn't want to fight with Tybalt. Dramatic irony.