Monday, February 20, 2012

English 9

Terrific job on the USSR front and on your persuasive essays. We will not be bound by a lack of effort, passion or intellect this term, eh??? Good for you.

We reviewed the properties of the literary paragraph. By now, you need to have the 13 steps memorized. See previous blog posts for ideas and in your notes. Keep reviewing notes daily to feel really prepared.

Next, I passed out a literary must-haves sheet and you checked off all of the ones that you already do.
Using a thesaurus, find good synonyms for verbs such as: depict, portray, elucidate, exemplify, symbolize, emphasizes, illustrates etc. Keep a list handy in your notebook.

We reviewed why we need synonyms in our paragraphs, how to cite and integrate quotations, and the purpose of a literary paragraph.

Finally, we peer edited the paragraphs on the story, "The Father". 
Homework: read the suggestions. Make sure you understand them and you may revise this week. Arrive in the north lab Friday prepared to type up a good copy. The more prepared you are the better. Bring your USSR books. We'll write the para. first and then if there is time, you may read.

Wed: Special guests from Writing 12. Bring a fave pen and writing notebook to create innovative poems. Yay.