Thursday, February 16, 2012

Writing 12

Great work today. Looking forward to reading your scenes. Bring them to class Friday. You will be reading it aloud but not handing it in at this point. Play with point of view, setting and verb tense. Try imitating one of Coady's scene styles to give you a structure.

See if you can find stories from any of the following authors:
Alice Munro
Margaret Atwood
Anton Chekov
Raymond Carver
Terence Young

As you read, look for the technique--space montage or time montage.
Look for the form:
social realism (D.H. Lawrence)
psychological realism (this style is still the most popular in third person, past tense, why?)
magic realism (South American)
meta-fiction (Joseph Heller, Catch 22)
stream of consciousness (James Joyce, Ulysses)