Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Writing 12

Choose one of the types of prose we discussed today:

and try to write one . . . The length will reflect the style you choose.
Come to class prepared to discuss what you noticed while trying that style.
When you might use it.
What worked?
What didn't work?
Where you got stuck.
What questions you have about it.

Also, go out into the world with your fiction caps on. Observe how people talk. Do they speak in complete sentences? What are the rythms? Visit a UVic cafe, a mall in Langford, Brown Hall, a Tim Hortons downtown on Yates and sit with your journal and write down what you hear.

Intersperse the writing of the dialogue with descriptions of the location. How does the dialogue influence what you decide to describe? Notice whether you are focusing on just one sense--sight tends to dominate. Try writing an entire scene just from smell details or taste or sound.

Keep practicing the sentence exercises as they are the story building blocks.