Monday, February 20, 2012

Lit 12

We finished Act 4, took notes and finished the Act 4 plot chart. (if you were absent, be sure to borrow the notes). We read Act 5, sc. 1, as well, which is pretty much plot oriented; however, it does reveal more of Edmund's static character traits, so make sure you are clear about his character.

We learn of Goneril's infatuation for Edmund. She wants him more than the kingdom. What does that reveal about her character?

Start thinking about a topic for your paper. Next class, we'll create a list of topics. You choose a topic, go back into the text and into your notes to find quotations, and then you will create a quotation log. We'll spend a number of days in the computer lab writing the log and creating the essay. You'll be amazed by this method. It works and you'll be thrilled with the product. A great tool for post-secondary ed.