Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Eng 11: body para due

Your introductions were brilliant. Well done. Can't wait to read the essays.

Complete a draft of your first body paragraph tonight. Aim for 300 to 400 words. Use your quote log reflections.

  • Use the same line from the intro--i.e. the 1st colour summary as your topic sentence (you can use synonyms so it doesn't sound exactly the same)
  • Prove this topic sentence (para. thesis) with ample evidence form the play
  • Demonstrate how these points prove the thesis of this para. but also explain how they prove the essay's overall thesis. (Hint: repeat the essay's overall thesis in each body para. to ensure that you stay on topic. It also adds a lovely dramatic arc).
  • Conclude the para (repeat its topic sentence in a hefty manner)
  • Add a transition statement to lead into body para. 2
  • Use strong verbs: elucidate, exemplify, depict, portray, illustrate, emphasize, create, demonstrate, etc
  • Use sentence variety: complex, compound, simple, start each sentence in a different manner. Keep a level of formality by using vocabulary from our list. 
  • Use transitions between points to stay organized and to keep the reader attached to the essay's pulse. Use transitions which reiterate your thesis. Another example of .... 
  • Integrate your quotations into your sentences. Quotes cannot float. 
  • Cite correctly (1.3.4-14).  Act, scene, line. Notice where the periods go.