Thursday, November 29, 2012

English 10: finish the composition on Suzie . . .

Look at the list of topics and choose one before you get too far into the piece.
Remember to use multiple paragraphs. If you were absent today, the prompt was Suzie is talking to God. Her mother thinks . . .
Use the following words: toothache, Popsicle, Sears' Catalogue, hymn, shed, scissors, cabin, canvas and Pepsi.
Include a combination of the following:
  • descriptions which appeal to the five senses
  • personification
  • concrete imagery
  • an engaging story with unique details
  • smiles or metaphors
  • alliteration
  • sentence variety
  • great verbs
  • onomatopoeia
  • humour
  • INSIGHT (Make the reader feel something. Not Hollywood. Not overly sentimental. Make it seem real). 


  1. Satisfaction comes from helping others.
  2. Our toughest struggles in life can be with ourselves. 
  3. Confidence comes from the support of others. 
  4. Lessons are not always easy to learn.
  5. Experience comes with responsibility. 
  6. To question society is easy but to question oneself is difficult.
Read the handouts I gave you for inspiration and support.

We will write five compositions over the next five days. You will choose your favourite and create a strong final draft which I will mark. Keep checking your writing against the samples and keep adding more of the criteria.

I will see the following students at lunch: