Thursday, September 5, 2013

English 12: Finish Writing The Paragraph on the question below:

When you finish writing your draft. Focus on making each part of your sentence parallel to add more rhythm to the piece:

The question on John Updike's story, "A & P" is below.

In a paragraph of 350 to 500 words, discuss how Updike's use of description and action prepares the reader for Sammy's abrupt resignation in John Updike's story, "A & P".

To prepare for this question, review all literary paragraph must-haves and re-read the how-to-cite sheet and the how-to-integrate a quotation sheet!!

  • present tense of the verb
  • strong thesis which answers the question provocatively
  • three strong examples
  • clear explanations
  • cite the quotations clearly and integrate the quotations, use page numbers
  • use transitional words and phrases
  • vary your sentence length
  • use strong verbs: reveals, displays, emphasizes, depicts, deplores, portrays, illustrates, elucidates, exemplifies etc
  • vary your sentence beginnings
  • make it sound emotional and persuasive 

Here is a sample grade 12 paragraph:

In John Updike's short story, "A & P", the narrator, Sammy, discontent with his menial job at a grocery store, abruptly quits. Updike prepares the reader for the narrator's impulsive resignation through the use of movement imagery, cynical views on societal norms and restless internal monologue.Firstly, the story focuses on the idea of movement. The image of feet and walking is referenced multiple times throughout the story. When Sammy first sees the girls enter the grocery store he takes notice of the fact that, "they didn't even have shoes on". Continually throughout the story the narrator talks about how the girls move, describing the way in which they walk, saying, "she walked slowly...putting down her heels and then letting the weight move along to her toes as if testing the floor with every step." This fascination with walking and the movement in general symbolizes how Sammy has a lust to move, move out of his job and the constraints of a conservative town. Moreover, when Sammy is interested by the fact that the girls have no shoes on their feet, indicated by the line, "her feet paddling along the naked over our checkerboard green and cream rubber tile floor," this description illuminates how the narrator views the bare feet as freedom and a sort of non-conformity from the conventional dress and life. The second ways in which Updike prepares the reader for Sammy's abrupt withdrawal is by illustrating Sammy's discontent for society. During the story, the young boy often refers to the customers in the store as animals by saying things like, "...I got her feathers smoothed" and "the sheep". Also, as the story progresses the narrator degrades the citizens of the town more, while at the same time putting the girl Queenie up on a pedestal. The vexation that Sammy feels for the townspeople explains why he views the girls as symbols of freedom. He almost idolizes them and even refers to them as "[his] girls." It is clear that Sammy has a cynical view on the town he lives in, when he talks about how silly it is that they live five miles from the beach but people have not seem the ocean in twenty years. He obviously sees the conservative townspeople as uninspired and simple. He describes they as 'houseslaves' and 'bums' and often criticizes their movements and purchases. This increasing irritation with the people in the store, foreshadows Sammy's departure form his job because of his prevalent and unwavering tendency to analyze human nature. Finally, Sammy's own personal struggle leads him to leave his job. The image of the door is referenced several times saying things like, "standing with my back to the door", " scuttle into that door", "if you stand at our front doors you can see two banks...", "They keep going...the door flies open..." and "...didn't get by the door...". This multiple use of this image leads the reader to believe that Sammy is longing to go out the door and escape. Sammy is contestant question thing throughout this short story. He wonders what spelled do with their purchases, why the girls move the way they do and often analyzes people's appearance. It is as if he is questioning his own purpose and the role everyone else plays in society. His dissatisfaction with his job and subsequent resignation is due to his agitated thoughts. In conclusion, within the story "A & P" John Updike prepares the reader for the narrator's abrupt resignation by hinting to Sammy's restlessness through the use of movement, doors and irritation with society. 


Ensure that you have found the best examples possible to answer the question above. Reveiw the requirements of formal, literary writing. Decide how you will begin your paragraph.