Monday, November 7, 2011

English 10, Mon. Nov. 7

Please finish your intro. to Mockingbird videos/presentations for Nov. 17.
Wed: I'll be asking you to fill in a report on your literacy projects.
USSR: book two response on Shelfari due Nov. 16
Wed. Night: Nov. 9: 7 p.m Copeland Theatre: The Claremont Review celebration.
Wed. Night Nov. 16th: Recitations. Come out to cheer for Paloma.

Good copy of your short story is due Nov. 17th as well.
Let the stories sit for a few days so that you can see how to improve them in order to meet the goal of publishing. Re-read the stories in The Claremont Review. What attributes are needed for a story to be published in a reputable magazine?