Monday, November 7, 2011

Lit 12 Mon. Nov. 7

I handed back all of the paragraphs and the creative assignments. You did so well. Great job.

Thanks to Natrine, Jeffrey and Josef for reading their sonnets aloud today.

We took notes on Sonnet 116 "Let me not to the marriage of true minds" page 168.
We discussed ejambement, metonymy, in medias res, the rational tone of the first quatrain, the use of imagery and the powerful couplet to end the argument.

Next, as an in-class assignment, we created a what? / so what? chart and a thesis to answer the question below:

Explain how Shakespeare uses key images to defend his belief that true love is not be affected by obstacles.

Homework: Complete the cards on the literary terms. Bring them to class for Wednesday's test. If you have created a powerpoint slide, you must bring a computer to class so that you can use your notes for the test. Remember, the key here is to be able to define the terms, yes, but throughout the course, I want you to be able to explain why or how the term is used. Memorization is simply the first step.