Thursday, November 3, 2011

English Lit

I collected the creative projects. Thanks!

Thanks to Josef for his presentation on the swordsmiths.

Next, we had the quiz on the sonnet. (open book)

Finally, we read Shakespeare's Sonnet # 29 page 167 "When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes" and we took notes on each quatrain, the couplet, plus tone words for each section. We reviewed the definitions for
iamb (noun)
iambic (adjective)
iambic pentametre

Here is a site to help your understanding of the sonnets:
For further discussion, visit this site Sonnets

Tomorrow, we'll read the sonnets that you created with the bags of goodies. We'll also write a literary paragraph response to sonnet 29.

I am looking forward to marking the projects. Ander's facebook page for the Parson is hilarious. Have a look: Holy Parson by Anders

Homework: Review all the notes on the sonnet. Finish up the sonnet you created (a draft is all you need). Review the literary paragraph must-haves.